About Us

Hi, we are Toasted Corks!

Actually we are just Kevin & Kayla, but Toasted Corks is our thing. We have been married for 13 years, have 3 kids, and have lived in Temecula since 2017.

I (Kevin) will speak for Kayla since she isn’t here to defend herself and she doesn’t manage the website, so I can write whatever I want 😘.

Kayla is a walking representation of all that makes life sweet. She is a very authentic person and wears her heart on her sleeve. Her poker face is for the birds. She is too real. Warm and loving and beautiful in so many ways, she loves to connect with people and can take about 30 minutes (or .78 glasses of Sauv Blanc) to let her guard down, but when she does she lights up a room the way she lights up my life. I love her forever. A few months pre-Covid I asked for her support to take a different direction in our lives and she has stuck by me, though I have tested her far past the bounds of prudence.

Kayla manages our inquiries, social media, general admin, and anything she damn well sees fit (speaking of which, I promise I’m getting to the benches babe). She is the host on Semi Toasted tours, so if we are lucky enough to earn your business you will know her well. Kayla, thank you for filling my life with the endless joy of you.

Concerning the other member of the Toasted Corks team (me), I’ll describe him as… a profound pain in the ass. No sugarcoat. Stubborn as a retirement age mule, gleefully nonconformist, he is compulsively trying to reinvent the wheel when the wheels we have are just fine. That may be a tad harsh… I’m not all bad. I do love to innovate and when I have an idea that lights the fires of inspiration, I get going and press on until I see it through. Thus an 18 wheeler trailer project that was sheer brutality.

I drive the trailer bus, manage the executive aspects of the business, act as the sole grease monkey, and try to make it look like I know what I’m doing.

The trailer bus was an idea I had to take an extremely developed, hyper practical logistics platform and tweak if for my purposes to transport people. It gives me redundancy against mechanical failures, flexibility for emissions regulations in CA, in my opinion actually contributes to passenger safety, and ends up being pretty neat for wine tours if I may say so myself.

We love Temecula. We are blessed to make a living soaking up the little things that make it lovely, like our hot summer days in the vineyards with a chilled Pinot Grigio, the smell of rich earth on that consistent late afternoon breeze, and the laughter of happy, social people bubbling up around us.

We think of Toasted Corks as a reflection of our personal values. What matters to us is spending time with our loved ones, working on unusual projects that we find intriguing, making friends, and participating in a community that cares for its members.

So thanks to all of you who have supported this little mom and pop operation. Thanks for giving us a home. Cheers!